Friday, April 10, 2009

My own little circus...

Per request of my Nonnie, I have decided to quit being a slacker and update my blog... if you would even call it that. I always have good intentions to update, but never feel as if I have anything very important to say. So, instead of waiting until I have some monumental news to write about each time, I have decided to just leave it to the various small happenings that occur in my every day life. So, overwhelmingly mundane or not, here I go! 

I must say that trying to find a path to take next year has become somewhat of a three ring circus juggling act. I've been tossing all of these random ideas around, trying desperately to catch just one. I've dropped many, caught a few, and a few times I have had the overwhelming urge to just hurl a few to the ground. Through all of this chaos though, I have learned one important thing. If you can just keep juggling a few at a time, and do your best to keep all your pins in the air, eventually the right one will fall into your hands. So, I am just going to keep on, one little bit at a time, and praypraypray that it works out! Ok, well I think that is enough of the circus analogy...

School is winding down, and I cannot believe just how quickly this semester has flown by. My pledge class just had our last Swampwater ever, and while we had a wonderful time, I feel like I spent the night trying to deny the fact that in just a few short weeks, we will all be separated for good. I can remember my Bid Day in 2005, running up to the hill to greet my new "sisters." We were all so excited to see where our time at Auburn would take us, growing together as friends along the way. And I could not have imagined another group to have shared this time with. Looking ahead, I cannot wait to see where the future takes all of us. From graduation, to summer trips, and many weddings and new careers, I know that we will all be very successful in our lives ahead, just as we were during our time on the Plains...

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