Friday, May 29, 2009

Packing it All Up

I can't do it. I have been trying for three days to pack up my apartment, and I cannot bring myself to do it. I feel like my subconscious keeps preventing me from taking yet one more step towards making everything so final. I do not enjoy this whole change one tiny bit! This house holds so many memories, I can't imagine leaving it. Sunday afternoon, I came home from Toney's wedding and walked straight into her room, just like I normally would. All of a sudden, the realization that she would never be coming back hit me like a ton of bricks. So, like any other mature 22ish-year old girl would do, I promptly sat myself down in her floor and had myself a good long cry. I miss you ETP, and no matter what your marriage license may say, you will always be my Toney :)

Here are some pictures from Elizabeth and Caleb's beautiful wedding in Huntsville. It was truly an honor to share this wonderful day with you two. Love you both!

A Blonde, Brunette, and a Red Head...Always.
Love my Toney!
The Bride with her mashed potatoes...of course!
Elizabeth and Caleb's Sweet First Dance
Formal Photos before the Wedding

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Being a Bum

Today is all about being lazy. Isn't it nice, every once in a while, when you have a day when there is literally nothing that you have to do? No obligations, no appointments, no worries. I am so used to having all kinds of random commitments, so when one of these glorious opportunities does finally arrive, I often waste it away feeling anxious and guilty about not being productive. But not today! I am truly enjoying this beautifully lazy summer afternoon on my couch, listening to music and catching up with friends! It is fantastic. 

And I have good reason to rest up today because this weekend will most assuredly wear me out! I cannot believe May 23rd is only 2 days away!!! My sweet Toney is getting married! It seems like just yesterday she was running into my room to show me her new "Christmas Present!" I cried then, and I can guarantee that when we are all standing together at the front of the church on Saturday, I will cry all over again (very happy tears, of course!). Elizabeth has meant more to me this year than words can explain, and I could not be happier for her and Caleb! I know that they will be so good to each other, and I cannot wait to see the beautiful marriage that God has planned for them. Love you both :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baytowne, Bachelorettes, and saying goodbye.

This past weekend, we loaded up the cars, packed 11 girls in a two bedroom condo, and had a blast in Sandestin for Toney's "Last Big Fling before the Ring!" It was a fun-filled weekend, complete with sand, sunburns, and lots of seafood! It was so wonderful to get to spend one last weekend with some of my best friends from college, and celebrate the upcoming marriage of one of my all time closest friends. After a rocky start, we finally arrived late on Sunday evening. Ashley and I promptly made our way through Baytowne to Hammerheads and quickly devoured two amazing Mahi sandwiches while listening to a wonderful live band. Monday, we woke up, ate breakfast at my FAVORITE breakfast place ever (Another Broken Egg. Blackberry grits are a must try!), and spent the entire day at the beach! I am not usually a big fan of just sitting on the beach in one place for extended periods of time, but after "finals" week, I appreciated the rest and when right to sleep! Monday night, we threw Elizabeth a lingerie shower, then donned our "bachelorette gear" and set out for Rum Runners. After a very fun (and memorable) night, we all ended up sitting together in the big chair, wishing the weekend (and college) wasn't drawing to a close.

This week, Slay and I are taking a one week class at Jeff State, completing an entire 3-hour course in a matter of 6 days. It is wonderful! I am wishing I had taken advantage of this before! I came home tonight, and as always, sat on the back porch with dad and enjoyed some good wine and good conversation while Tinka chased the squirrels (unsuccessfully) all around the yard! I cooked dinner for everyone tonight, under Dad's constant "advice" of course. It was yummy, and I had such a great time getting to sit down and catch up with my sweet family!

3 weeks to New York....:)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Free at last.

Today essentially ended my final exams for the semester! WAHOOO! I have not been to bed since I woke up yesterday morning, but there is just such a great feeling that comes along with knowing that you have NO more class obligations! Needless to say, I am super happy :)

On another note, I don't think it has really hit me that most of my friends are GRADUATING on Saturday! My best friend, Teresa (aka T-Rere) is included in that group, and I cannot believe it is already happening. Fortunately Niknik and I are a little slow (in more ways than one) and will both be hanging around for a while longer! It feels like just yesterday that the three of us were just getting back from summertime in Texas and we drove to Livingston to drop Teresa off at school. Talk about some felt like we were all being separated by way more than a 3 hour drive across the state! And here we are, 4 years later, still as close as always. My girls. I can safely say that I doubt there will ever be two people who will have such a unique impact on my life. I am who I am because of their friendships, and its a wonderful thing :)